A Berlin student needed a couch to lounge about in. She didn't have a bunch of money, so went to the local thrift store. There, she makes a fantastic find...

This painting was hidden inside the sofa. The painting is called Preparation to Escape to Egypt." Who the artist is, no one knows. All the reports I could say the same thing - an "unknown artist close to Venetian painter Carlo Saraceni between 1605-1620."
The student paid $215 for the thing. She sold it for $27,630. That's a bargain.
Why do I have it here? While the "escape to Egypt" part of the title is very Biblical - several people, including Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus did that - it sure seems more of a painting of Daedalus and Icarus, which, as long time readers of Bubo's Blog know, I have a fond place in my heart for. I looked on the Internet for verification, but could not find anything other than what I mentioned above. But it has got to be this story. The bottom guy could be passed off as an angel, I guess, but it is obvious that his arms are strapped to the wings and it still doesn't explain the falling guy above him.
Stinks to be me. I just checked my couch and only found what my kids have stuffed in there. I don't reckon that the old yellow crayon I found is worth anything...
That's a great painting!
I like it too. It is hard to find an Icarus painting that I don't like.
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